Sunday, February 28, 2010

Vegan Supper/Violin-electronica concert

Tonight was the long-planned concert/dinner date.  At the venue a five-course vegan dinner is served.  A concert is given before the last course (dessert).

Full house; 20.  Even mix of men and women.

Really fabulous food.  Music incredible, violinist extremely talented and skilled, use of computers, looping, gesture glove intelligent and not gimmick.  My amusical opinion seconded by my musical husband.

And of course, what I really care about.  What were they wearing.  The violinist was dressed for recital, conservative with enough bling for a soloist.  The food people were extremely casual, looking like t-shirt vegans.  The crowd was another San Francisco mix of dark neutrals, not dressy, but much more than casual.

I was overshot again.  Silk dress in ivory/green/gray, strappy sandals, pearl earrings.   However, we were seated in the corner, and since we were late we were out of the eddy of conversation.  DH got up and circulated before we left.

I think I keep overshooting in an effort to show respect for the music, especially since I don't get the music as much as I suspect it deserves.

The performer came over and talked to us, and I really enjoyed meeting her and talking to her.  But beyond the fact she was intelligent and fascinating, I may have already felt her an ally, since she and I were the only two in the room wearing anything shiny.  She had read about me on my husband's FB page, which was oddly flattering.

I Don't Tell My Child What to Believe

file for future reference.

is a response to:

has me thinking about:
1. The fact I didn't care when my preschooler went through his sun worship phase.
2. My belief that all parents do pass on their top three values, and most of their top ten, whether or not they intended.  Their actual values, not their stated values.  And, a value can be passed on in reaction: e.g. the mom who makes punctuality such an issue that her children spend their entire adult lives insisting on the right to be late.
3. Glenn and I have always had different approaches to church.  And thank heaven, since I would have attended three times a week so I could go hiking; and would find a way to avoid all social interaction with people in the ward instead of loving them.  However I have wondered what happens to kids when their parents are cheerfully, openly different in faith.  Or, if they're cheerfully, privately/unstatedly different in faith.  To some extent I think children will receive some idea of what parents really believe, even when the parents state otherwise.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Date Night

It's Date Night, and I haven't planned anything.  My husband just called to say he was looking forward to it, and did I have any ideas of what I'd like to do?

A few years ago, we started going to the movies a lot.  I think I see every movie I'm interested in before it hits video these days.

When I was young and single, I had disgust for people who went to movies on a date.  If you were going to spend a couple hours with someone and get to know them, it was stupid to do so at the movies where you could hardly interact.

Today is cloudy and rainy and mostly what I want to do is climb under the covers with a good book.  I've already been at a PTA meeting, then I've got to go to the doctor, then take our pet to the vet where I'll probably inquire about putting the poor thing out of its misery, then kid pickups and kid negotiation through homework and chores.  At least the house is clean.  But the laundry has stacked up after an all-day power outage and I don't see when I'll get to it.  And tomorrow we throw a big party.

My 25-year-old self would be shocked at me.  Even my 35-year-old self would be quite disappointed.  Now that the kids are older I have a lot more options for a weekly date.  We can travel even to the near large cities, we can stay away longer, we don't need to hire a babysitter.  You'd think I'd be going to the opera, seeing plays, art galleries, and all the things I dreamed I'd do when I was an undergrad.   I've never been in a batting cage--can I do that?  Last night I turned down the chance to accompany my husband to some avant guard music recital, because I didn't want to deal with the fallout of what happens to unsupervised kids who want to avoid their homework.

Phooey, my job rating as a spouse right now would be very low, if anyone objective were doing the review.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

23 Roses

It's our 23rd Valentine's Day together

Sunday, February 7, 2010

District 9, Gattaca

Just saw District 9 (yes, despite the R rating). Okay, violent, and lots of the f-word, though pronounced just off enough in another country's accent to not sound like a cuss word to me. good movie. Glad I saw it.

I like it like I like Gattaca. Think-y entertaining science fiction movie.