Saturday, December 18, 2010


First: the context.  A modern italian kitchen.
Project: add a backsplash where there is now drywall.  I'm thinking tile. (I've previously considered stainless steel and back-painted glass.

I think I'm down to two leading candidates.

A smokey brown glass tile in a "waterfall" layout (don't know if that's a real tile layout name, or the manufacturer's, Maniscalco).  Tile backsplashes are very on trend right now.  The dark neutral I want to do wouldn't be a universal appeal, but I think it would work really well in the context between a cream countertop and cream laminate cabinet doors.  I like that it's a very finished, tailored, not-rustic look for my modern kitchen.  But, will it play well with my neo-retro caeserstone countertops?

Caeserstone Nougat countertop.  Love it.  That's a quarter on the counter for size reference.

A matte 2x2 tiles with lines on it, which has almost a fabric sort of look.  This mosaic lays them cross grain to each other, to give the effect of a weave.  I certainly haven't seen this in a shelter magazine, though I have seen linen-look tiles as flooring.   I really like this, but once again I'm not sure it will play with my neo-retro caeserstone counter.

Edited to add: Tonight these are looking too neutral to me.  I'm looking again at the red glass tile (looks like candy) and the glass mosaic tile in a classic small size.

fun with Photoshop

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Menu Week

Monday: Mini-hamburgers on rolls (or provolone on a roll), cream of romanescu soup, milk, tangerine.

(major complaints about the romanescu.  I forgot to save out some as topping decoration, so it was the color of sad pea soup with no explanation.)

Tuesday: Roast Leg of Lamb, mushroom couscous, baked acorn squash rings, green salad, applesauce.

Wednesday: Mushroom Ravioli

And the rest of the week was catch-as-can leftovers.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Back in Time, Opera I have missed.

I would have loved to see EVERY ONE of the shows that SF Opera put on its last season.  But ring cycle this summer?  I thought it was too much of one thing until I discovered it's one thing FOUR NIGHTS IN A ROW.  Well, Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Sunday.

Next season's tickets go on sale in February. Time to mark my calendar for that now.

Monday, December 6, 2010

backsplash tile hunt

oceanside glass

can't figure out if this size is called Prose or Elevations, or if those refer to colorways or sets.