Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Family Home Evening Monday Night destroys another Tuesday morning

We have GOT to start having Family Home Evening on Sunday afternoon. Everyone was up past 9, and the older ones past 10, and me until midnight. The teenagers overslept this morning just enough to be crazy. I couldn't drive too-young-for-seminary to junior high though she was running behind, because these days I'm taking the neighbor's child with us each morning to the elementary school, while her mother recovers from surgery. So my kid is getting on her bike with tears in her eyes, blaming all of us for her misplaced English book. And the puddle of pee she stepped in made by some tiny who missed the toilet.

So with the younger crew in the van, I pull up to the front stoop of the school, and start kissing kids goodbye out of the van, handing them their lunches as they go. I don't kiss the neighbor girl but wish her a good day. And someone doesn't have his coat. And it's cold out there. So in the sight of the fundraising moms that are greeting each car, I pull off my sweatshirt and hand it to him.

Realizing then, that my pajamas are what I have on under it. Because that's my seminary-run trick. Jeans with the pajamas, sweatshirt over the top.

So, while the fundraisers wish me to have a better morning, and the bus behind me is kind enough not to honk, I realize I have one more lunch on the seat. Too-young-for-seminary has left hers on the counter again.

And she had the best lunch. She's so stressed out these days, I've been trying to make her designer lunch. No sandwiches, but lovely tortellini, or salads in pita, or...well I'm running out of ideas. She rejects macaroni and cheese as too fattening.

I start driving to the junior high, I park at the bottleneck by the library hoping to catch her before she got to the school. No chance, I didn't see her. Which means she probably made it to school on time.

I don't want to drive back later, so I continue on to the school. But, how to enter the attendance office in pajamas? Unfortunately, these are fabulous silk ones. A little less than I want to wear in public.

There's a turquoise beach towel on the floor of the car. It's handy when the rain leaks through the sunroof, or to clear frost on the inside of the windows before the seminary run. I wrap it around me like a serape. It matches my glasses. Now I'm a crazy fashion victim, a perfectly acceptable role for a junior high mom. Acceptable compared to half-naked crack addict.

I'm going back to bed. I'm already dressed for it.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. ;-)

    I would love to see a mom in silk PJs and a towel wrapped around her walk in the school.
