Monday, October 19, 2009

Pork with Pan-fried Noodles

Tonight I made a pork stir fry over noodles. It's not exactly on the Real Simple menu. I made it with leftovers.

This would have been quick, sensible, resourceful, and delicious.
It wasn't quick.

I wanted to eat: pork, eggs, mushrooms, bok choy, green beans, pineapple, and scallions over Pad Thai noodles.

Husband: no noodles.
Vegetarian: no pork
Princess: no food. Well, she'll eat the mushrooms.
Boy: doesn't want vegetables, so please serve on side. And no onions.
Girl: same as boy.

Prep: Soak Noodles (>20 minutes), cut up cooked pork, bok choy, green beans, scallions. Mushrooms were pre-sliced.

Directions: while interrupted with math homework questions by hungry young children--how frustrating is that--

Fry noodles in wok (with Fish Sauce, White Vinegar, and Sugar)
Fry cooked pork (with garlic, soy sauce, and red wine vinegar) in frying pan
Add Eggs to wok
Put pork in low oven in metal bowl.
Wash frying pan.
Cook mushrooms in frying pan, now clean for vegetarians.
Put Noodles in wok in oven to stay warm.
Take out ANOTHER pan. Cook Bok Choy and Green Beans.
Put mushrooms in oven-safe bowl, and add to oven.
Saute onions in first frying pan.

Call everyone to the table. Take all the dishes and pots out of oven and off stove, serve make-your-own style.

Result--Delicious, but the cook was so frustrated and short-tempered she warned everyone darkly that they'd better eat their food.

The table was so crowded that Teen One dumped Teen Two's milk while setting down mushrooms.

Also, All the eggs were in the noodles, therefore husband didn't get any eggs, which he would have enjoyed. And husband is the audience I care about.

AND YET, *My* food was delicious. I'm the only one who ate everything together.

AND, though we were all arguing and short with each other at the table, it somehow fell into a playful rhythm, and we felt like a family, eye-rolling and teasing and irritation and all. And everyone else seemed to enjoy their food. In all, I would say it was as delicious as a Real Simple meal.

It just should have taken 12 minutes if I could have cooked it all in one pan.

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